Controlled Substances Act
Getting caught in trafficking of any drug may result in the forfeiture of your property, including your own home.
Frequently drug charges will engage other areas of the criminal law, including gang-related prosecutions, conspiracies, and proceeds of crime. A conviction for a drug offence can result in the significant loss of your assets, as well as a lengthy custodial sentence.
Even though it is now legal to possess and even to distribute marijuana, you may still be prosecuted criminally for its unauthorized production or distribution. Getting caught in trafficking of any drug may result in the forfeiture of your property, including your own home.
Trafficking in hard drugs, such a heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine, and certain new synthetic designer drugs will attract very severe sentences. Importation of these drugs will net a person a custodial sentence in the range of 5-7 years.
Any conviction under the CDSA can result in a full and complete travel ban to the United States. American border officials treat a drug conviction as a “crime of moral turpitude”, which makes a person inadmissible into the U.S. Therefore it is imperative to avoid a conviction when charged, even it is for the possession of a single joint of marijuana.
At Stilman Law our lawyers have the courtroom experience and legal knowledge to effectively defend you on your drug charges.. We will fight to keep your record clean, and your freedom intact.