Helpful articles written by Mr. Stilman from Advocate Daily and other sources.
Insulin-Treated Diabetes and Driving: Legal Jeopardy and Consequences of Hypoglycemia
Insulin-treated individuals, in the event of hypoglycemia while driving, are at increased risk for motor vehicle collisions with possible legal prosecution and potential incarceration if they are found to have taken inadequate precautions to prevent hypoglycemia. …Read more
The Lawyers Daily – 5 more FAQs on cannabis
The first instalment of Cannabis FAQs answered questions on possession, growing and distribution under the Cannabis Act itself. …Read more
Acquittal on Appeal: the Duress Defence in Abuse Case
Toronto criminal lawyer Jacob Stilman says the Ontario Court of Appeal (OCA) has vindicated a woman he represented at trial, acquitting her of all drug charges after it agreed the lower-court judge failed to provide the jury with the tools it needed to reach a proper verdict. …Read more
Christie Blatchford article
The Global Imams Council, which has a Montrealer as its president, condemned the ‘genocidal antisemitism’ of Hamas …Read more
Lisi trial
The first people to face charges as a result of the Project Brazen 2 investigation into the possible criminality surrounding the mayor’s office, Bahrami and Lisi were busted on October 1, 2013, and brought up on a handful of drug-related offences. …Read more
Defending a dupe in the “Rob Ford” police investigation
The drug investigation that saw Rob Ford’s friend and an Etobicoke drycleaner arrested at the height of the crack-tape scandal was built in part on a deception that saw an undercover Toronto police officer cozy up to one of the accused. …Read more
Benefit of U.S. border crackdown on marijuana questionable
“Absurd” U.S. federal cannabis policies are in the spotlight again as Canadians are reportedly being barred from the United States for admitting to long-past marijuana use, says Toronto criminal lawyer Jacob Stilman. …Read more
SCC peels back curtain on police actions as trespassers
The Supreme Court of Canada came down hard on the actions of police “as trespassers on private property” when it set aside a man’s drug and gun convictions, says Toronto criminal lawyer Jacob Stilman. …Read more
SCC ruling notes problem people of colour have with police
The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision to set aside a man’s gun- and drug-related convictions because he was arbitrarily detained and searched is another reminder to police about the need to respect people’s rights, says Toronto criminal lawyer Jacob Stilman. …Read more
‘Good luck’ trying to charge guillotine protesters: Stilman
Demonstrators’ use of a fake guillotine to protest planned cuts by the Ontario government should be seen more as “political theatre” than a threat to Premier Doug Ford, Toronto criminal lawyer Jacob Stilman tells the National Post . …Read more